In the Name of God Gracious & Merciful

America apparently does not abuse and mistreat animals. But it always has to think twice when
it comes to people. We complain about other countries and human rights issues and how they
should be brought to justice. Shame on yourselves, America. Look at your racial attitudes when
it comes to the poor and homeless, especially black America. If what happened here took place
anywhere else in the world, we would be shedding blood. God has a plan and you reap what
you sow. Your animals are treated way better than some people are treated.

We have those who are so called “interested” in the wounded warrior. Those of us that survived
Vietnam never had our needs met. America tried as hard as it could to sweep us under the rug.
Since I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD I have had a hard time getting my life in order. I still can’t
get the kind of home I need for my children and grandchildren, partly because we were never
accepted as wounded warriors. We were something America wanted to forget. Most of us that fought and most that died were black and poor and murdered.America you will reap what you have sown.

Issues |Civil Rights

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