In Our Own Voices: Wendell Williams

Street Sense Media artist/vendor and homelessness advocate, Wendell Williams, shares his experiences as a fifth-generation African American Washingtonian and his insights about the changes the city has seen, his personal experience with chronic homelessness, and his involvement with the street newspaper movement as a means to not only sell or distribute newspapers but as a way to address homelessness on a systemic level. Williams shares his unique perspective on a whole host of related issues from racism to federal funding to the role gentrification has played in exacerbating the homelessness crisis. Williams was interviewed September 16, 2022 fellow Artist/Vendor Aida Peery as part of Street Sense Media’s Oral History Project, “In Our Own Voices: Artist/Vendors 2003-2023.”


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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
