The District Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) held an executive meeting on July 7 to discuss coordinated implementation of the Homeward DC 5-year Strategic Plan.
One important factor was that each part of the plan had a “lead” agency and a point person responsible for implementation of each section of the plan. The lead agencies are encouraged to self-assess their progress, with the understanding that the ICH will be overseeing all progress.
Another issue discussed was homeless youth. Until recently, most homeless youth—people experiencing homeless aged 24 and under—were undercounted in the Housing and Urban Development’s point-in-time count. They have thus been underrepresented in legislation. One of the ways the ICH plans to attain more useful data is by holding a youth “census.” from August 17 to 25. The census will seek to identify at-risk and homeless youth, and be conducted by youth.
The ICH is looking for volunteers to help with the census. Learn more at