I Resolve in the New Year to…

A photo of calendar blocks at December 31.

Image courtesy of Alexas_Fotos via Pixaby.

Working as a career specialist for workforce training programs at an awardwinning charter school for adult learners, I hear the following quote often: 

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward 

Maybe the reason this quote echoes through the halls of the school like a mantra is because goals play an integral role in the success of individuals trying to improve their situation in life.  

Street Sense deals in imagination and dreams. The paper offers vendors a perfect opportunity to build stability in their lives while providing relevant information about their community. The newspaper is a voice for those who are often silenced. This holiday season I connected with a few vendors to learn about their resolutions for 2011.  

“My New Year’s resolution is to be a better person in the new year. I hope to be respectful, helpful and understanding of others’ needs.” – Ronald George  

“I hope to finish school and continue with my seven years of sobriety (this year will make eight). I hope to help another person. And I plan to continue with Street Sense because it makes me happy: meeting people and helping the customers. My New Year’s resolution is to be happy. I hope others will be happy, too. Happy New Year!” – Tommy Bennett  

“Stay alive and continue to obey the Lord above because without him none of us would be here.” – Philip Howard  

“I plan to stay with the paper and to stay in contact with Kevin and Pamela Belkosky. I hope I never lose contact with them again.” – Kenneth Belkosky  

“My New Year’s resolution is to increase my computer skills and to do more outreach and advocacy. I enjoy helping the impoverished, the homeless and anyone in need with attaining their goals. Street Sense is at the forefront of the homeless cause for fairness. The heavenly staff members are angels bringing light, hope and understanding to the world!” – Paul Lee Taylor  

As you wade through the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I encourage you to reflect on the important role you play in helping Street Sense vendors who are working to achieve their dreams. Happy Holidays! 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
