I learned from the homeless

Some things written for homeless people can be erroneous and absurd. I learned from experience to never judge people that are down in the skids because one day it
could be you.

As with anything, if you want to help the homeless you must do your research
first. People that are intelligent in business and investing can sometimes be utterly
clueless when it comes to dealing with the streets. If you were buying a home, you
would research every detail. But the same people don’t think of homelessness in the same way.

They paint homeless people with a broad brush and label them all as low-lifes. When they think of homeless people, all they think of are panhandlers.

I never cared for people who labeled or categorized others in neat little boxes. People who are panhandlers are also not all the same. Some panhandlers have been out there for years and built up a clientele. While some of them have issues, many of them are begging for change to survive difficult situations.

The good book says that poor people will always be among us. While I don’t always give to panhandlers, if I have a few dollars that I won’t miss at all, I will donate it.

However, if you feel like giving money to someone will stress you out, then don’t give people donations at all.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
