Homeless children 

People don’t want to believe it, but there are lots of homeless children living in shelters and cars with parents and uncles — others are 18 in the street and trying to stay alive. 

They need help. There are a lot of organizations and groups to reach out to them. They are still there. If Street Sense Media could put in a couple of words to help the situation from time, to let kids know they are not invisible and that people care, that would do a lot. 

I’ve seen them in the street. Those are the ones that are visible. But the little ones the parents hide away in their cars and places like that. So they don’t know what’s going on. 

It brings tears to my eyes. They’re just as confused as can be about what to do, how to get help, and how to communicate. They won’t even listen. And can you blame them? They feel like they’re forgotten. 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
