Hi, my name is Daniel Ball.

QUESTION: How long have you worked for Street Sense?

ANSWER: I worked for Street Sense going on four years.

QUESTION: How much money do you make selling Street Sense papers for five days a week?

ANSWER: My answer is this people; I, Daniel, make at least $30 dollars per day.

QUESTION: What do you do with that money?

ANSWER: I pay rent with it.

QUESTION: Are you homeless or do you have your own place now?

ANSWER: No, I am not homeless at all. I do live with my mother right now, thank you.

QUESTION: What do you like to drink?

ANSWER: Plenty of cold water.

QUESTION: What are some of your favorite foods?

ANSWER Rice and Oodles of Noodles, etc.

QUESTION: What is your favorite color in clothes?

ANSWER: Black.

QUESTION: Where is your church home now?

ANSWER: The Kingdom Hall.

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I Vendor Daniel Ball, try to love everybody.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
