
We sometimes thank our nurses and doctors for a job well done. But we hardly ever give thanks to our paramedics or fire department. I had an incident just this past spring with my granddaughter I want to thank them for. 

She had put a hair bead up her nose. I, as a grandmother, had to keep her calm and myself calm. I called the paramedics. They came within a minute, not minutes. All the while, in the background, was her brother, my grandson. He was unfazed by all the attention his little sister was getting from the paramedics, like this was an everyday occurrence. 

I finally got my grandson to put on his clothes because we were going to the children’s emergency room. Before we left, one of the female paramedics — I wish I got her name — got an idea to suck the hair bead out from my granddaughter’s nose. It worked. She handed me the bead, and said I should remind my granddaughter of our little adventure as she grows up. I still got that bead, too. 

I asked my granddaughter later on after we all relaxed: Why did she put that bead up her nose? She told me she had done it before and it always came out of her nose. The logic of a three-year-old child. It could’ve been worse if it was not for the quick thinking of a paramedic. 

So, this is a shout-out to all the paramedics in the DMV area, especially in Washington D.C., since I live here. Y’all do a wonderful job keeping us alive! 

The fire department does the same thing, and is the first responder before the paramedics get to us. So firefighters do a lot of saving lives. They have helped me with my oxygen tank a few times. The firefighters in my neighborhood are awesome people too. I’m giving a shout-out to all the fire department men and women for their awesome work! Everybody should say hello or salute the fire department personnel. 

There was a time I cut myself really badly and I couldn’t stop the bleeding. I called the 911 first responders and the fire department, and they brought better and bigger bandages that stopped the bleeding. I almost passed out looking at my own bleeding finger. 

I’m giving a huge shout-out to the Washington, D.C. fire department and paramedics. Thank you for being there when we need you the most. 

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