Have You Heard?

Good morning, my loyal Street Sense readers. Today’s opening question: to quote the late Bernie Mack, “America, are you listening?”

What is a person who is residence-free supposed to look like? Well, gosh, I don’t know. I’m a white, Jewish Republican. I went to college. Don’t fit the stereotype, do I?

Did I choose to become residence-free? Yes. But wait: I left a boyfriend who urinated on me, threw my out of the apartment by my hair, beat me, and sent my mum email calling the gold-digging “c”-word. And, yeah, he is still cyber-stalking me and phoning me. I went to the courts, the police, and women’s shelters, but none of them helped. So, yes, I chose to leave him and become residence free. Should I have stayed? You tell me.

Next: I’m a bleached blond with big boobs. So, to support myself, I should…strip? Do porn? Become a lady of the night? No thanks! Instead, I chose to market Street Sense and write for it because I hope you all read the articles and I hope you & understand the challenges we are go through.

Two more points: first, thank you, my readers! Fido, my little stuffed dog, and I appreciate all you do for us. Second, we can become residence-free at a moment’s notice due to health issues, an accident, a job layoff, or a natural disaster (hello, Hurricane Sandy)..

So, this upcoming holiday season, do not judge others; respect them. And feel free to say Merry Xmas to Fido and me…even though we are Jewish.

Now, my closing question: America, have you heard?

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
