Forth-Rights Foresight

Photo of a hand holding an almost burned out sparkler

Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Independence? Economics and ergonomics coming to 2009, candles on street corners and parks representing deaths’ Independence from homelessness and poverty. Celebrations with sparklers, 6 million dollars of color up in smoke, pyro-techniques to make our citizens look up to the skies but still miss the homeless amongst the rubble, the ticker taped unwanted refuges that lie throughout our city, streets, parks, Metro stops and sidewalks. Homeless cries are muddled by hunger and lack of medical attention, economic separation and donor hesitation. Their celebration in most cases is passing a bottle or a joint to celebrate “no more misery” and the end to the low-man’s history of pain, loneliness, hunger and hopelessness. So maybe this year those that have, should share in celebrating with those that don’t have, by soliciting their lobbying powers to spend 6 million on colored candles to light up the dinner tables set up in the parks, city streets and city sidewalks that will assist with economic independence. Create a true society in which independence can be elevated mentally, physically and spiritually by all American citizens. Let your humility be the fireworks of everyday Independence for all. Hello!!!! Shower smiles peace and love from the ground to the heavens above, celebrate with the most dependent by uniting efforts in the elevation, and eradication, of poverty and homelessness. God Bless.  

Sean is new to the Writer’s Group. Contact: [email protected] 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
