Food for thought!

Take one minute to read this devotion. Starts our day right. Live with intention, one day at a time.

When we’ve surrendered, we know God’s in control of our life. He opens doors; he makes a way; he puts the right people in our life and removes those that aren’t right. We listen. We go with his will, not our own, and our life is much better for it. But, let’s take it a step further: imagine thinking God is part of everything all day long. We’re guided through life, constantly with the major things and the minor things. Maybe there is a reason you’re stuck in traffic or got passed over for the job or someone cut in line. The stuff that happens is all part of the design of life. When we picture God involved in it all, we can relax. Let it be, irritations fade. Trust the guidance. No explanation is needed. And, promise our life will go a lot more smoothly. We’ll be way more peaceful. Surrender in everything.

You get tested the most when it’s time for you to elevate. Don’t break!

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