
Today is a day you will never forget. Today is my birthday, but y’all call it Christmas.
I was born in a manger — thank God mom didn’t use a hanger.
Y’all call me Jesus, but God calls me Angel.
See, before I was born, I already had a purpose —
To die for your sins cause we know why I worship.
Only one god and you must seek me first.
I am your role model, your guide and your nurse.
Now Jesus wept is the shortest verse we kept.
A sheep follows his shepherd, so we should follow our commandments and teach,
“The Lord is my shepherd,” I must practice what I preach.
One day my parents couldn’t find me when I was 12 years old,
They discovered I was in a chapel and the story unfolds.
I had a group of doctors and lawyers and priests.
I was training them with the doctrines that God had trained me.
See, nobody was perfect, but they claim I was.
I never lied or stole; I never killed no one.
On the day I was born, three wise men brought me gifts.
Now that’s why today you always look for presents.
To believe in me, you must have obtained faith.
To believe in something you can’t see and walk with grace.
Humble yourself and believe what I say.
I sacrificed my life so we could be together today.
Put God first and remember to pray.
You will be just fine. God will always make a way.
We all fall short of the glory.
That’s why we are saved by grace.
Knock on the door, and Jesus will reveal his face
Seek and you shall find basic instructions before leaving earth.
That’s our bible — learn your verse.

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