Dear diary 

It’s the fourth quarter of the year, and it’s a challenge to my mettle. My patience is the reason, I know. When circumstances don’t improve in an apparent way, my faith may dwindle away. Waking up each day with full use of my facilities, limbs and senses gives me a jump start of gratefulness and appreciation, regardless of my current situation. 

Stepping into the world, I was greeted by a butterfly’s kiss on my hand; a sign of seeking and discovering my truth and inner wisdom. In that moment, I was given a light in my spirit; an affirmation that I am headed in the right direction, even when the path is unclear to me. My life’s purpose has become clearer over the past year. In the coming months it shall reach a horizon, a horizon I could never have imagined. 

Anticipation and excitement now fuel me and quell my depression. It’s not time to give up, but to push forward with more ambition and fire. Like a phoenix, I shall rise from the ashes, stronger than ever before. “No one and nothing can stop you, only slow you down.” My high school quote still applies.

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