Good news, my loyal Street Sense readers. As many of you know I finally went back to Los Angeles for a visit. It reminded me of the life I used to have, a past birthday when a boyfriend I had at the time was doing his best to impress me.
We were walking down Hollywood Blvd looking at the names of stars. There was even a star for Kermit the Frog. To the right of us was the Frolic Room, a dive bar that attracted the Who’s Who of Hollywood. Everyone from Tommy Lee to Kid Rock to Pam Anderson went in there. Well anyway we went in for a quick drink, and the place was full of famous people. When I went up to the celebrities, they gave me that weary “OMG another-person-bugging-me-when-I-just-want-to-have-a-beer look.”
But instead of asking for an autograph or a picture I just said, “so you know that Kermit has a star outside?” It made people laugh. All of a sudden famous people were buying me drinks. As we went outside the celebs were taking pictures of me and Kermit the Frog. I remember seeing a residence-free person sleeping next to my cultural icon. At the time I didn’t give it much notice. Hell, here I was the fat ugly duckling from my high school, turning into the sexy beautiful vivacious swan, the life of the party.
But recalling that person sleeping next to Kermit’s star brings me to the main point of my story.
There is not a street paper in LA. I have had this confirmed in the past few days from everyone, from the very wealthy to very good friend of mine who is on SSDI and was just got out of a mental hospital. I need, must, want to start one. That is my 2013 goal — to get off my fat ass and on my feet and then help others do the same. Honestly, I don’t know how many residence-free they have in LA. As you may know I’m not a fact or figure writer. But personally, I have watched many people move to LA seeking a future and fame but end up sleeping on the boulevard of shame. I believe that if there was a Street Sense in LA it would give many a chance to be heard, published and make honest money. They could get credit for a resume as writer, model, artist, photographer. Some even might develop self-esteem. So why should you care? The same damn reason you all buy the paper from us, give food to us, talk to us. So in closing, my angels of our nation’s capital, please donate to Victoria Beaumont #438 to help our lost angels in the city of angels find themselves and their talent.