Chip and Little Cheep: No One is too Small to be Great

Photo of Chip and Mrs Potts at Disney Land

Photo courtesy of Loren Javier / flickr

Have you ever wondered where you fit in? Has it ever seemed hard to make a difference? If so, then you should read “Chip and Little Cheep,” a story from Disney.  

The story starts with Chip wanting to help his mom stir the whipped cream. But he splashed it all over the place. “You’re too little to help with the baking – run along and help someone else.” So Chip tried to help dust off a suit of armor. But he rubbed the hard it made everything fall down. “Run along and help someone else – you’re too small to help me.” Chip tried to light candles, but he knocked over a pitcher of water, and it put out the candles. “Run along and help someone else.” Chip got in the way in the library, too – ”you’re too small, and the books are too big. Run along and help someone else.”  

Chip went outside. “Maybe I am too small to help anyone else.” Just then he heard a small peeping noise. Chip discovered a small bird crying. He asked the bird if he was hungry or thirsty. After feeding the bird Chip discovered that the bird’s wing was broken. He said “I’ll take you to Belle and she can fix you up.” He carried the bird inside and all in the house pitched in to help fix the bird’s wing. All were proud that Chip was able to help the bird. He named the bird little Cheep and decided to keep him.  

I was pleased that in this book, someone that is too small to help anyone finds the perfect partner. I give this story five Street Sense city blocks. It has all the elements – a little action, some emotion, and someone that wants to help, and everyone turns them down.  

I would recommend this book and story because it gives the impression that no one is too small to be great. Also it reminds me of what most of us go through today, the struggle of being accepted and wanted. I hope that you can get to the library and check it out. 

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