Being Half-Vegan

Joel Abroad

Being half vegan is great for people that love meat and can’t give it up completely. The next step is to become vegetarian. I’m half vegan and I find I have more energy and feel stronger, healthier and speedier.


Trying to be 100% vegetarian is a lot of fun: experimenting with different foods to make a vegetarian meal. The different combinations of vegetables are so good! I love the taste of things like spinach, vegetarian ham with fake mayonnaise, or vegetarian bacon. For burger-lovers, I eat Boca burgers and for hot dogs I eat Smart Dogs. Fruit bars and vegan chocolate cake are great for dessert.


Vegetarian food tastes GOOD. It’s much better than I thought it would be. It has opened my eyes to a new world of taste and a new life. I have learned that you can find a lot of protein in vegetables and can gain muscle mass by eating a lot of them every day. Nuts, oats and fruits in the morning; potatoes, nuts and salad for lunch; and vegetarian spaghetti, vegetarian lasagna or Boca burgers for dinner!
Plant foods provide you with nutrients necessary to stay healthy and strong. Meat will give you things you don’t want in your body like cholesterol and saturated fats and contaminants. So remember, vegetables are the best.

Issues |Food Deserts

Region |Washington DC


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