Adjusting back to the community

I’ve been home for four months, and I’ve accomplished most of the things I had to do. A new ID, replacing my birth certificate, a new social security card, and getting all of the other documents. I keep going to mental health, maybe they will help me get a high paying job. I keep my medical appointments and also take care of my housing appointments. I’ve been talking to my lawyer about my housing issues, because I’ve been gone for some time now and am adjusting back into the community. I take it one day at a time, so I can get the rest of my life back together. My mental health team is sending me back to RSA rehabilitation program for employment, which I hope will help me get a good, high paying job. I need a job to help me achieve my goals. I also need to obtain my driver’s license, so I can save transportation money, because it is hard for me. I also want to be an individual entrepreneur, because I am tired of working for other people. None of this will happen for me, if I don’t maintain my sobriety; that is an absolute must, and I’ve been doing it, so I can feel more positive and more confident in myself, because it’s very hard.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
