Spring is arriving

This is the month of freshness!

Spring started on March 20 at 5:24 p.m. Spring means fresh flowers, plants, fresh-growing grass, tree bulbs blowing, cherry blossoms blooming their pink and white flowers. Everything is so lovely. The trees will soon turn green, the birds in them will sing more happily and the squirrels will run faster in their branches.

But there will still be more cold weather and rain showers. Spring is funny that way, though it manages to bring joy and happiness to all.

The moon will glow more. The sun seems to rise earlier because of daylight saving time. More walks. More sitting in parks. More walking dogs, more going to the zoo, more traveling and more sightseeing.

However, I need to remind you it is also spring cleaning time, something we don’t necessarily like to do but know we must. Before you do that, though, put away all the winter gear and bring out your fresh spring things!

Here’s a song for you:
“Roses are red,” by The Mac Band.

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