A spirit set free

In the depths of darkness, I stood alone.
A prisoner of fate, my spirit overthrown.
Isolated, homeless, in social exile I’d reside, but within my heart, a spark of hope would hide.
With every passing day, I found the strength to fight, love and compassion, my guiding light.
In the prison of my mind, I’d dream of a day when victory would come, and despair would fade away.
Through the cold and lonely nights, I’d persevere, each tear that fell, a testament to my fear.
But I knew deep within, a fire burned so bright, a flame of conviction, to make everything right.
I’d paint my dreams upon the prison walls. A mural of hope, where the heart never falls.
Compassion for myself, I’d learn to embrace, and love for my soul, I’d never let erase.
For in the darkest hours, the spirit of God would rise, a phoenix from the ashes, reaching for the skies.
With unwavering conviction, I’d break free from me, no longer defined by my past, but by what could be.
And when that day of victory finally came, the world would know my strength, my name and no shame, for love, compassion, and conviction they’d see, his power had transformed me into the person I was meant to be.
So remember, dear heart, when life feels unjust, in the face of adversity, it is the peace within I will trust.
His love, compassion, and unwavering conviction, you’ll find the victory that defies all life’s restrictions.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
