A mother and her unconditional love

Graphic by Bruna Costa

A mother holds her family together through thick and thin. She sacrifices and it has no bounds. From the moment we take our first breaths, our mothers are there, nurturing us, guiding us, and molding us into the people we are. They are our first teachers, spewing wisdom and values that influence us and get instilled in us.

Mothers have to have a lot of patience to take care of us and they tend to us whenever we need them. As we grow older and become our own person, our mothers may find it hard to see their children become adults and leave them, but they give space so that we can have wings to fly on our own.

Mothers are the unsung heroes who juggle so many roles at once. They are our nurturers, protectors, teachers, friends, and confidantes. Their love is a constant and safe space in a world that can be cruel and hurtful. When they grow and get older, they’ll need people to support them just like they did for us. They are our pillars of strength, and when they need them, we’ll be there for them as well.

Mothers will forever be appreciated. Their love, sacrifices, and devotion shape our lives, reminding us that true strength lies not in might, but in the heart of a mother. Happy Mother’s Day!

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