Y’all Are In The Way!

Bike lane photo by Donté Turner

I have a couple of questions about these bike lanes. Are the bike lanes for the people who depend on bikes as a means of transportation, or are they for your motor vehicle owners to park and use the lane, too? I believe some of us tax-paying citizens, especially the less fortunate ones, would argue the purpose of using our tax dollars for a bike lane was to keep every vehicle and its owner (including bikes) in its respective place.

Isn’t the purpose of the bike lane to keep the bicyclists in their lane so they won’t be on the sidewalks in the citizens’ way, and the purpose of the car lane is to stay in the car lane? So, why are people using the bike lane for parking cars, dropping an order off, getting an Uber call, picking up a date, dropping kids off, etc? There’s been motorists that have driven through the bike lanes and that’s very dangerous. Unless it’s a dire need or a need for high security, there shouldn’t be any reason for you all with cars, trucks, company cars, buses, or any motorized vehicle to be parked in the bike lane, or driving through it for any reason.  

There are bicyclists who use the bike lane to go to work, exercise, and to make UberEats deliveries, and they go at a certain speed. There are certain bike lanes where there are curves and if there’s a car illegally parked there or driving in that bike lane and that bicyclist gets hurt because of the motorist’s recklessness, he or she could get seriously hurt or worse. Then there’s a lot of big consequences and controversy because it seems the majority of the government are more worried about gaining more money and power than worrying about us souls who need the necessities God provided you people of power, who claim to take care of the less fortunate.. 

Like enforcing laws such as traffic laws for bicyclists. Didn’t y’all just spend our tax dollars to put cameras on the buses, so that people who drive in or are parked in the bus-only lane illegally get ticketed? Why can’t y’all do the same for the bike lanes? 

What was the point of spending tax dollars on another traffic lane when you don’t enforce the law about vehicles being in that lane?! Cyclists have enough trouble trying to ride on the sidewalk as it is, but allowing or looking over the fact motorists are blocking the bicyclists’ right to passage isn’t making things any easier, and allowing them to drive their vehicle through it is even worse.

I understand you have people in the government that mean well, do well or their best, and fight for us less fortunate, and when you’re doing that you’re also doing that for The Lord (Matthew 25:1-46), I do get that. But, you also have those who are saying what people wanna hear just to get into that certain position of power to gain power for themselves. Their agenda is that of something like a false prophet (Matthew 7:15), using another’s name or situation to gain for self. 

That is very irritable or as we say in our generational race “in the way.”


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