What it’s like to apply for housing

Applying for housing is like playing the lottery. They say it’s supposed to be for people with low-income to no-income. So why is there always an excuse as to why there aren’t enough housing vouchers?

In my opinion, housing vouchers are just another way to increase taxes and spend the money on whatever. I’ve been homeless for two years. I qualify for everything they claim is for homeless people. 

They say if you keep up with all appointments and checkpoints, you’ll be housed within a year or two. Well, case managers don’t call, don’t turn in files or necessary info to the right people in time, or at all once you’re assigned to them. They don’t give you proper information, let alone the right service. They tell people what things or processes are without any proof. 

Most people that are homeless — 85% of whom are Black — don’t know what to do in their position, so they just take the case workers’ word for it. I’ve heard them lie to their clients. But, of course, a client won’t listen to someone that’s in their same position, and half are too lazy to do the research. 

So applying for housing is a fight people are not prepared for. One thing for sure, we sure don’t need certain case managers because they are useless.

Donté Turner is an artist and vendor with Street Sense Media.

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