The monkeys found flowers

Barbara Pollard

It had been a harsh winter. There weren’t many fruits out. The monkeys were struggling and conflicts were evolving. It was a difficult time in their environment.

But when Spring sprung, all these beautiful flowers erupted that are not present during the cold season. When the monkeys found the flowers, they got EXCITED. They started to share with each other. Conflicts began to dissipate, they began to congregate, and they shared love.

They weren’t fightin’ over food anymore. And it wasn’t long before they all gathered for another banana barbecue — singing and dancing. Life was renewed and the fruits were plentiful.

Springtime represents a new beginning and the flourishing all around us. Times can be tough and it is easy to get caught up in being malcontent. But life is beautiful if we are patient enough to find the flowers inside of our hearts. We’ve just got to seek them, every day!

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