The Least Among Us

Look at the faces

of the least among us-

three bright-eyed girls

skipping rope behind a chainlink fence

on a field sown

with rusted needles

and shards of bottles


A young mother

kneeling with a scrub brush

washing away

years of grime


a stooped old man

trudging a grocery cart

bearing all the artifacts

of a full and turbulent life,

swollen feet

bursting out of rotting shoes.


Look at the faces

of all these

mothers, sons, wives, grandfathers.


Do not offer

scraps of moldy bread

or threadbare garments

worn by six generations of bodies;


do not offer

pockets full of spare change

or tears

of leftover pity.


Look at the faces

of the least among us,

see how they mirror yours-

you who are

a sister, daughter, cousin, son,


to someone

just like those

who wander deserts,

looking for

a drop

to quench their thirst.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
