Sometimes you gotta lose to win
Sometimes you gotta lose a friend
Sometimes you gotta lose a son
Sometimes you gotta use a gun
Sometimes you gotta take disrespect
And sometimes you gotta make them respect
Sometimes you gotta say what it is
And sometimes you gotta put up your fist
Sometimes you gotta die just to live
And sometimes you just wanna live
Sometimes I wear shades not to see
Sometimes this mask make my shades feel like me
Sometimes I see what I want
And sometimes I see what I was
Sometimes I see what I could be
And sometimes I put on this hoodie
Sometimes you gotta take the abuse
Sometimes the police gonna shoot
Sometimes you gotta lose to win
Sometimes you gotta lose a friend
Sometimes the pain is real
Sometimes the pain can kill
Sometimes your pain becomes your passion
Your passion becomes your purpose
Your purpose can make them nervous.
Sometimes you gotta see the red flags
Sometimes the gas light is a flash
Sometimes the love bombing is amazing
Now here comes the smear campaign
After the devaluation