Raise your bar high in 2022

In celebration of Women’s History Month

Women have made considerable strides in the following industries: business, entertainment, sports, academia, law, politics, education, the nonprofit sector and government.

Women have the capacity to grow even stronger. We are often overlooked by a small portion of society who try to relegate us to subservient roles. Some people think of us as sexual objects, cooks and baby-makers, and believe that we have no other human talents while ignoring our real intellect and our capacity to thrive independently.

Women, please raise your bar higher for yourselves. You are beautiful, you are sexy, you are cute, you are gorgeous, you are fine, you are intelligent, you possess all the qualities to succeed but you must believe it. You are all that and a bag of chips and dip on the side. Go and be a winner! Never give up!

Make 2022 the year that you believe in yourself. Spend five minutes every day to tell yourself everything you like about yourself. Hug yourself, tell yourself that you love yourself and that you can make it!

Make 2022 the year that you learn one new thing. Take up a new hobby, discover your community, take walks to appreciate the beauty all around you. Every day, I find so much beauty in the world: pretty babies, colorful tennis shoes, flowers, stylish hairstyles, and different-looking wigs.

Ladies, you have so much inside of you, let’s open the door this month of March to new conversations, new ideas and new perspectives. Be open to learn — even from a child — sometimes, God puts wisdom in a baby’s mouth to confound the wise. Ladies, let’s learn how to be our own cheerleaders and supporters. Let’s have an open mind.

Ladies, you have so much to offer this earth. Tap into your passion what do you enjoy doing that you can do alone if you don’t get paid?

Ladies, if you are seeking a companion or mate, what qualities can you be honing now to attract the person you would like to spend time with even if it’s a cup of tea and a conversation?

I challenge you to take the March Spring Madness test of “I am loved, I am capable, I am strong, I can do anything I put my mind to.” Now, let’s get out our vision boards and set some goals for the next nine months. How do you see your glass half empty or half full? What do you have left? Don’t talk about what you have lost.

Listen, we need positive spirits on the earth. Please ladies, let’s practice positivity and let others feel that energy/synergy you have inside. Discover your true individuality. Let’s soar to new heights.

Love yourself. Spend time alone, so you can learn to like your own company. Let’s be the best we can be. Other people need your positivity and your smile.

Keep smiling, there are better days ahead and from my vantage point, your future looks bright! Give yourself a pat on the back you’re doing fine. Love you girl!

Issues |Art|Gender Equality|Lifestyle

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