Many who are paying attention to this presidential campaign will realize the rhetoric rarely aligns with reality, regardless of political party or affiliation. It is not a criticism of anyone, Black or white, rich or poor, to examine the surface facts of two very wealthy people in America who have taken advantage of the capitalist system suddenly decrying the trustworthiness of the wealthy. No honest-thinking person will accept the reasonableness of these presidential candidates’ assertions.
I know Black folks who will accept anything Michelle Obama or Oprah says regardless of whether it’s factual or logical content. A friend called from Baltimore the other night to tell me, “Michelle is speaking.” Like I was about to miss a message from ‘On High.’
Unfortunately, what has happened more often than not in this country, is a blind acceptance to practically anything a person says if they fit the mold of their allegiance, whether race, political party, gender, etc.
Basically, the rhetoric of the tribe usurps the reality in that particular person’s mind and those who refuse to blindly accept the rhetoric are vilified as racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, transphobic, etc. Or worst yet, be a free thinker like myself and be incorrectly labeled a Trump supporter.
Let’s be clear here I am not a Trump or Harris supporter. But I’m not a party guy and would lean towards the message of a true independent like Dr. Cornell West, but I support people like Rizza Islam and Dr. Umar Johnson. And I choose not to vote for any presidential candidate in 2024.
And for those who try to use shame and guilt by saying my ancestors died so I could vote, I’d say they didn’t die so I could vote as much as they died so I can have a choice. And for me the choice of the lesser of two evils, is still knowingly choosing an evil. Which I will not do.
In fact, I’ve only believed in two presidential candidates’ visions in my life that was Robert F. Kennedy in ‘68 and Marianne Williamson in 2020. And she was the only one I gave what was to me, a large amount of money to. I still believe to this day her message could’ve saved this country from what’s going on now. I’d suggest Googling her speech at the Harvard Divinity School for her solution.
But here’s the hard data since Dr. King’s death in 1968. We’ve had 11 administrations, 5 democrats and 6 republicans. Each party had 2 presidents serve 2 terms. And the Democrats have been in the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. These are the facts.
Now make a list of the worst conditions a people can suffer in America and other than Native Americans, Blacks are at the very top of those lists. Number one with a bullet.
Now make a similar list of the very best conditions a people can experience in this country and across the board Blacks are at the very bottom of those lists.
Any reasonable person won’t even attempt to argue otherwise. Sadly, the conditions of Black Americans aren’t changing enough regardless of which party of gangbangers are in the White House. It’s like the Crips or the Bloods running your community, leadership changes but your conditions don’t.
And before you start with excuses saying it’s the lack of cooperation in the House or the Senate remember those executive orders Biden signed for Asians, Jews, and the LGBTQ in his first days in office, well still no hate bill protecting Blacks, no George Floyd or Emmitt Till Bills. And we wait.
Black people are the only people who won’t vote in their own best interests. I never understood one issue voters now I’ve become one. Well actually a two-issue voter. Sorry not feeling a climate change bill, I want a bill that saves my kids or grandkids from being murdered by cops who have a get-out jail-free card and I want this country to pay what it owes my ancestors for their centuries of unpaid labor in the most brutal of conditions. (After paying its Japanese citizens after a few years of suffering for comparison.)
This presidential race will be interesting but I do believe “The FIX” is in and Kamala Harris will win.
I pray I’m out of the country on November 4th, Inshallah, for reasons of personal safety and thinking about January 6th, I strongly suggest you all have a “just in case plan” in place.
Policies unfortunately, have taken a back seat to the cult of personalities, and America is fully entrenched in the age of the “Idiocracy” and I hope it doesn’t but on that date anything could happen.
May The Creator help us all.