Observing God

Photo of numerous lit candles

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

God reigns and always will 

His presence should always be observed 

Even when you can’t see, hear, or touch Him


Some think when they wake up each day, but it’s God 

When they’re healed, it’s God 

When they marry it’s God 

Who put them together in Holy Matro?


Then there’s also the chosen ones 

Who feel they were handpicked by God, like myself—

God’s soldiers, to whom he reveals 

Life’s secrets and mysteries 

Through visions, sleep, premonitions, and actions 


His never ending power should not be challenged 

Not even by the long-living atheist

Some whom had a change of mind 

Or had to change their mind set to God. 


Science has set out to prove there is no God 

Only to find that it cannot be proven

People who back and forth never reign

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