My family abandoned me at birth. I was then adopted into an interracial family. I have always struggled, and I’m still struggling.
Fortunately, I found Street Sense Media. The staff is very supportive, kind, and nice. I am very grateful to this newspaper. It is pretty much the only thing I have going because even though I grew up here, I am still an immigrant and it is very difficult to keep my papers straight when I am homeless. When I lose a document, it is a very long process to get it back. I hope Street Sense Media can help me reach my goals for the new year.
I’m looking forward to our annual holiday party.
Selling newspapers can be easy and difficult. You usually get out of it what you put into it. Being a vendor has honed my selling techniques and my attitude. I want to thank my donors and others who have prayed for me. I pray for you, too!
I hope the new president remembers the homeless community and creates good, well-paying jobs for those experiencing homelessness.
Again, thank you to everyone at this newspaper. Your emotional support, as well as your financial support, have been invaluable to my mental health. I’m going through hard times, but the people at Street Sense understand and try to help me.
One day, I would like to be able to give back to this paper and the community because life is about service and giving back. With the help of Street Sense and others, I will reach my goals not only to support myself but also to help others. This is my prayer for myself and others.