The front page would feature a picture or pictures of current topic issues such as candidates for primaries this season. There would be jobs and housing for everyone. Pictures of apartments, homes for sale, and even shelters for the disadvantaged — refugees and immigrants.
The next section would be weather and time. There are 24 hours in a day, and seven days in a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There are 12 months in total: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. There are four seasons: Winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The picture would change with the seasons.
The next sections would be religion and education, about the best high schools or colleges — universities too. Then military school, and who qualifies to enter them. Of course, no tears. Then politics. Flashbacks, what it takes to win an American war.
The next section would be “Food and Fun with Street Sense.” There are many restaurants in the DMV (Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) and most serve all three meals, including snacks. A snack late at night or before daylight can cause sickness.
The last two sections would be vendor stories (tips, deputies, and chiefs), and America and the world. They are on good terms, better than after 1945.
Today’s story is work like any other job. Street Sense has information everyone needs. Imagine rewards. Can we beat other newspapers? Maybe in sales, charity, etc.