The holidays are a time to reflect on the year and be grateful for the things we accomplished, as well as make new goals and get together. I am glad I can count on Street Sense with its case management and its friendly staff.
I’ve had to learn to be strong no matter what. I want to encourage any homeless person and all my fellow vendors to remember: together we can make it! Stay prepared and vigilant. Thank God also for the Church of the Epiphany (thanks!) Sometimes you are in need but the world meets you halfway.
Other places I want to thank are the Harriet Tubman Shelter, from which I received housing while staying there, and Henry’s Soul Food, which donates food to that shelter.
The shelter also helped me become more independent, and I will always be grateful.
Then there’s Martha’s Table, with its lifetime membership to its store and its referrals which I’ve used to my benefit. Martha’s Table feeds people throughout the city. Thank you!