Feeling good

Graphic by Bruna Costa

I finally made it to writers’ group today. I feel good. Seems like things are turning around for me. I’m trying to get up to a meeting a week. 

Today, I have something good to tell my therapist. She would be so proud. I’ve been getting to bed early and not staying up, then sleeping all day. 

I haven’t been able to make it to a Street Sense meeting in so long. I’m ashamed. At first, it was very hard to drive again. I’m even getting better at that. I’m feeling good and very proud of myself. I have hope for the future. By the grace of God. 

For those who don’t know, I lost my husband on Jan. 1 in a car accident. We were married for 12 years. He was the love of my life. Of course, he wasn’t perfect, but he was definitely my soulmate. So, I think God’s plans are for the rest of my life, I should concentrate on him and myself, be a better person, and continue showing kindness and care from my heart to others and myself. 

All I can say is today is a better day than yesterday. 

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