Content warning: This article recounts an assault and mentions suicide
In recent events, I was assaulted by a homeless man in the community. The funny thing is he thought I was going down. He got scared when I stood my ground. You can’t knock me down no matter how I feel. My anger is towards creation always sending perverts, rapists, predators, enablers, traffickers, and abusers into my life.
I don’t care about your position or reputation. You didn’t think about your family, reputation, career, or popularity when committing crimes. I don’t care if you are with the government either. In my 44 years, demons (humans tainted by dark energies) hide in the shadows like the cowards they are.
Those snakes and cowards can never face me. I’ve resorted to blood sport, hopefully training in mixed martial arts and jiu-jitsu. Maybe one day I will compete. With all this built-up anger I can legally spar with someone.
I’m building up my confidence against the malicious actions and words of others. I am going to be a different person. I will train for a couple of months. To all those cowards who hide in the shadows, you’ll receive invites to legally fight me. You won’t dare because false confidence is what you live by.
To those individuals who threatened me, showed up at my place, ruined my life, and forced me into attempting suicide, do you want to witness another side of me? Here’s your chance! Don’t let it go… I hope you train too. What you continue to not realize is I’m smarter than all of you. You’re about to find out.
I have forgotten about those who hurt me on purpose. You don’t matter. You never have and never will. My wellness is held to the highest above all. If you can’t love me respectfully or honor who I am, you will not be a part of my life. You’re confused, I will never love you.
My life has been threatened throughout childhood and adulthood. I laugh at the depths of assault and lack of control over mental health alignments. You plot and find reasons to believe you have the upper hand. If I’m not powerful, worthy, or successful, then why do I drive you mad?
Let me prepare you for the woman I never needed to release for cowards who falsely live confidently. She is holding onto her will to be free from pain, hurt, and control. Lastly, that will be the only time I allow myself to be assaulted by a messenger.
I am powerful, that’s my alignment. Are all of you ready for David to stone Goliath???