Looking through my photo gallery I found a wonderful memory and surprise photo I took.
Who knew, two years ago, that the Lady Senator would keep standing, smiling, orating non stop in insulated conversational tennis shoes, not passing the baton
—but catching it mid-air
Not to win, but to defeat a rolling backward back/who Ditch switch; timed to a rewind toward the past times of non-colored elitist jaded hate.
Rising to the bursting voices of freedom and democracy in the face of civil unrest challenging the very root of America’s existence, regardless of race, color, creed and gender.
It’s that creed that is murky
Swollen by the sun baked heat of fear.
A checkmate of curdled sour milk resentful of equity, empathy, kindness, fairness, and justice.
Fire stoked from the one sidedness of powerful political parties doused with intersectionalized faiths
The pulpit marbled in propagandized, deceitful brain washing without reason. An unpaved dirt road to nowhere anyone needed to go.
Never ever at all.
An arson most fierce, intentionally splitting the earth in half.
Tindered with the dry rot of what was meant to be just that, an organic compost fertilizing, nourishing and raising of a better world.
One repurposed by the living experiment of a continuing developmental, yet more perfect union.
And the Lady Senator’s retort was unity, consensus, and healing.
That freedom of speech is a powerful stage and has withstood the test of a serious attempted abusive breach.
Survive we did, rebuild the broken hearts and spirits, we will.
There is a hope for all.
A thanks goes to The CWA (Communications Workers of America.) Bravo, for giving voices to freedom’s democracy.
And congratulations to the President of the United States Joseph R. Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris.
Congratulations to the people of the United States of America
With hope, peace, and a chance.